
Criminal Pre-Trial (Bail) - Youth & Adult

Jemtec has been offering customized private bail solutions since 2004, and we’ve testified in numerous court cases, so we’re familiar with your pressures and your needs. We’re happy to explain how our technologies can best fit with the Accused’s release plan, how it works, what it does and doesn’t do. We’re familiar with court processes and timelines, and we will expedite matters any time we can. To prepare for your hearing, we can provide a simple letter for your case, to confirm that we are available to offer a solution for your proposed release plan. We also prepare more detailed affidavits and can appear at the hearing to provide testimony and undergo cross-examination.

We offer different technologies depending on the release plan being proposed by Counsel and we take the time to discuss the various options and costs. Not all cases require GPS tracking and we offer other technologies that are less costly, less intrusive and less time consuming. However if Counsel believes that GPS tracking will make a difference for the client, we offer a number of different solutions to aim for the best fit.

If your charges are alcohol-related, we offer remote alcohol breath testing that can document that you are abiding by your conditions to abstain from alcohol. This handheld technology is easy to use and is packed with features that allow you to take breath tests within seconds and the information is uploaded to our servers automatically. Our technology will do it all easily and affordably so that you can focus on other things.

Immigration Release

Immigration cases where individuals present high risks to public safety will usually involve detention, but there are cases where an independent adjudicator agrees that release from custody is suitable. Jemtec offers the Canada Border Security Agency with electronic monitoring solutions for such cases, which allow Federal Immigration Officers to supervise strict conditions for released persons while reducing their contact with other custodial populations.

On a private monitoring basis we also offer different technologies depending on the release plan being proposed to the Immigration Review Board by Counsel, and we take the time to discuss the various options and costs. Not all cases require GPS tracking and we offer other technologies that are less costly, less intrusive and less time consuming. However if Counsel believes that GPS tracking will make a difference for the client, we offer a number of different solutions to aim for the best fit. We’ve testified in a number of Immigration Review Board hearings to explain our monitoring systems and procedures.